Thursday, June 3, 2010

My "Lollipop Monster" painting in print

Some recent print press for an Arts League show. I have 3 small paintings in the show which have never been shown before. Don't know if this is readable (other than the duckie race ad) but perhaps if you click on it, you will have some success!

Soon I will post a schedule of upcoming shows and outdoor art events in which I am involved.

Also I now have a facebook page for my art:!/pages/The-Art-of-Angela-Ranzoni/109161362462200?ref=mf I hope you'll visit and say hello! We've got a lot of fun things going on over there, such as a special promotion for a small sculpture that is dropping a $1 a day until it sells. I sure hope it sells before it hits a dollar.

Thanks for stopping by!


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